He's born in Jaen, in the summer of 1968. His artistic vocation awake to very early age and will see promoted in his first years of studies under the teachers' directives of the painting as José Olivares and Francisco Carrillo. He prepares the access to the faculty of Fine Arts in Jose Rodríguez Gabucio's workshop - study and overcomes the entrance tests the above mentioned faculty of the University of Granada. After five years of artistic studies, he graduates in Fine Arts with the speciality of Graphical Design, branches of Illustration and Publicity, in 1991. The same year begins to work giving classes at secondary school in the areas of Technical drawing, Design and Plastic and Visual Education, at the time that he collaborates with several projects of design, magazines, posters and with the agency of publicity " Doble página ", always reconciling these labors with the pictorial creation. Nowadays he coordinates the department of Expression of the Institute of the brothers Maristas of the town and there has his workshop in the c/Valdés Leal 18, of Jaen.